Gratefully received after Cartagena Two Day Break!

CARTAGENA 2013 + 025Cartagena as seen from the boat during our Paseo por Barco!
Hola Colin
Thanks again for the trip to Cartagena, it was very interesting and enjoyable.
I look forward to receiving your emails and hopefully to joining you on another trip soon.
Warm Regards
CARTAGENA MICK ROMAN THEATREOh Dear, one of our number in Roman Senator stance at Cartagena’s wonderful Roman Amphitheatre, one of the many historical treasures in this fascinating town and sea port!

Gratefully received after 2 day trip to Cartagena!

CARTAGENA BODEGA PHIL FRASERPhil, in the background, taking it all in!

‘Colin, many thanks yet again for a well organised and well priced two day trip to Cartagena. It is great to see that Tin Lizzie tours can provide such trips as these taking us to places we would never find on our own and would likely never dream of. The duration was just right for visits to a bodega, a goats cheese factory and a harbour tour, leaving us with enough free time to enjoy some other sights of the city and a good dinner. Keep up the good work.

Phil Fraser’

Received following 2-day visit to Cartagena

CARTAGENA 2013 + 029Paul, et les Francais a Quesería Caprilac
Buenas tardes Colin,
  Gracias por la organizacion  perfecta de estos dos días. Una gran suerte para el tiempo y dos visitas interesantes.
Como cada año, nos vamos fin de octubre hasta el principio del ano.
   Espero que nos veremos en 2014…
   Un beso a Claire.

Two Day Gourmet Trip to Cartagena!

CARTAGENA 2013 + 035Mick on the right at Quesería Caprilac . . .
Hi Colin,
Once again it’s my very pleasant duty to thank you for the most fantastic trip. As you know, Cartagena wasn’t new to us but this trip we had time to ‘fill in the gaps’ so to speak. The highlights for me were the Roman amphitheatre; the bodega visit; winning the quiz on the journey back (you see, I do listen to what you say) and last (but not least) our Quesería Caprilac guide, Lidia!
Seriously, a super trip (as ever) all down to you. Ros is working on the photos (some of which are excellent but she likes to tweak them) and, as soon as they are to her liking, we’ll email them to you in case you can include them in your website.
Cheers, Mick
CARTAGENA 2013 + 027. . . and his immeasurably better half, Ros, on the Boat after the paseo por barco!